At CCU, we try to live what we preach in lots of different ways; we give our resources, our time, and our talents. Most of all, we try to give the love of Christ: to those in need, to the earth, to our community, and to each other. Here are just a few ways we fulfill Jesus’ call to love others as he has loved us:
- We Care About Those in Need: Jesus was pretty clear about his desire that his followers would extend care to those in need, particularly the oppressed and the vulnerable. CCU is a founding member and ongoing supporter of Family Promise Hawaii, an interfaith network which strives to help families with children escape homelessness. We help to host the Windward Service Care events which bring houseless service providers to a central location to serve clients in our community. We are also engaged in long-term supportive partnerships with other organizations which serve the houseless such as the Institute for Human Services.
- We Work to Change the System: We understand that working to serve those in need is critical, but that working to change the system that put them at risk is equally important. CCU is a member of Faith Action for Community Equity a diverse, grassroots, faith-based community organizing body through which we engage in actions that challenge the systems that perpetuate poverty and injustice.
- We Care for the Earth: Understading that stewardship of creation is one of our central responsibilities as people of faith, we put environmental stewardship at the heart of our ministry. Please visit our environmental justice page to learn more about CCU’s earth care ministry, including our certification as an Earth Care Congregation (by the Presbyterian Church U.S.A.) and a Green Chalice Congregation (by the Christian Church, Disciples of Christ).
- We Engage with Our Community: We know there is a lot of work to do in this world…and we certainly can’t do it alone. CCU is particularly interested in building strong relationships with our neighbors and community partners. We are currently working to become a Resilience Hub to provide space for the most vulnerable in times of disaster...but we're also prayerfully considering what it means to be a hub of resilience for the community 365 days a year.
These are just a few of the ways we give back from what God has given us. And we invite you to join us on the journey! Watch our events page for more information about upcoming service opportunities or contact us directly to find out how you can get involved.