Welcome, friend.
Come join us.
We are currently worshiping in person and live online through our website and we invite you to join us there Sundays, 10am HT. We offer prayer, music, a special moment for our kids, a scripture reading, a message from our pastor as well as an invitation for everyone to join together at the table for communion. Our online friends are welcome to join by using whatever elements are available (bread and juice, crackers and water, your imagination!). Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are always welcome to join us at Jesus' table.
Say hello to us in the online comments or fill out your information on our contact page if you'd like us to follow up with you.
Here are a few tips about what you can expect from our Sunday gatherings:
- What should I expect in worship? Expect to experience God! Our worship can be varied as we draw on many traditions and practices, different types of music and diverse ways of talking about the Sacred. But our ultimate goal is to help folks experience the presence of God through song, prayer, silence, words and especially...community!
- What about my kids? We welcome disciples of all ages to be with us throughout worship and encourage each family to do what feels right for them. At every service, we offer a special moment designed to speak directly to our youngest disciples, and we encouage little ones to be present for it. We also have a coloring table and quiet toys in the back of the Sanctuary where keiki are welcome to play at any time during the service.
We offer... Keiki Church for kids over 5 concurrent with worship: an age appropriate time of learning about God, Scripture and faith through story, singing, and arts. For those littlest ones (four and under), our compassionate staff provide nursery care in the 'Ohana room just adjacent to the sanctuary, 9:30-11:30am. You can simply check in with our childcare worker(s) when you arrive and they will get you oriented and settled.
- How can I get connected? Bible studies, faith formation classes, discipleship groups, family fellowship days and service project help connect us to each other and integrate new folks. Continue to explore this site for more about how to get involved. You can also share your information on our contact page if you have specific questions and we can reach out to you.